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I don't know about you, but when I buy a facsimile edition of a comicbook, I don't expect (nor do I want) footnotes from publishers prominently posturing in a politically 'correct' way and thereby compromising a mag's historical 'integrity'.  Look at that caption under the splash atop the indicia in the above example - no, Marvel, no!  The 2019 facsimile didn't have it, so why does the 2024 version need it?  Newsflash!  It doesn't, and I just wish Marvel (and anyone else) would cease trying to convert us to whatever the current woke fashion in thinking happens to be.

Hitherto, Marvel have trumped DC in (at least) one important way with their facsimiles, and that's with the reproduction quality of the ads.  In most cases, DC scan their ads from published comics of the past, and they look faded and just a bit rough, whereas Marvel (and don't ask me how they do it) usually manage to reproduce their ads in such a way as to make them look brand-spanking new and as sharp as they first appeared.  In the recent facsimile of The Flash #105, the ads have curved corners in some instances, indicating that they were either scanned from a comic with spine roll, or a bound volume, but DC need to do better in this department.

Having said that, look below at the same ad from a recent DC facsimile compared to a Marvel one; surprisingly, the DC example is of a much higher quality than Marvel's, so at least DC is improving and may yet overtake their rival's replica editions when it comes to the reproduction quality of the adverts.  Anyway, thought you might like to see the covers of some more recent facsimiles from the top two comics publishers so feast your eyes, effendis!  And if you have any thoughts and observations you'd like to share with your fellow Crivs, feel entirely free to do so in the comments section.

Marvel facsimile ad                                                         DC facsimile ad

This is the new 2024 printing - it was also published in 2021 

This is the 2023 printing - it was also published in 2019 (when it was only $4.99)

Update: I've added the cover of All-American Comics #16 to the above ones, and below is the inside front cover.  (It was once the custom to include the indicia on this page - I think it changed in the '50s sometime in DC's case, the '60s in Marvel's, but don't know the exact dates.)  Anyway, as you see, DC have their own version of Marvel's footnote and it's exactly where it should be - not destroying the comic's integrity in a screamingly obvious way - nor doing it with a mini-lecture.

Click to enlarge, then click again for optimum size

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